Coles, Woolworths bosses reveal stance on pricing

The heads of Coles and Woolworths have been subjected to a parliamentary grilling at a Senate inquiry on Tuesday examining supermarket prices.

“It’s very hard to say that we have price gouging.â€

– Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci

“We acknowledge that we don’t always get it right, but all our procedures seek to ensure fair and sustainable relationships.â€

– Coles CEO Leah Weckert on supplier relationships

“Honestly, I’m not interested in your spin or your bulls***. This is a Senate inquiry. Answer the question.â€

– Greens senator Nick McKim to Woolworths boss Brad Banducci

“I would respectfully submit that this is an incredibly competitive market and that is good for consumers.â€

– Woolworths CEO executive Brad Banducci

“There is no bad intent there, but we definitely could execute against it better, and we are working towards holding ourselves to a higher level of account on that.â€

– Coles CEO Leah Weckert on pricing

Source: Senate hearing


Andrew Brown
(Australian Associated Press)


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